Clickmazes applets - introductory tour ☕
Welcome! This page is an introductory tour of the legacy clickmazes applets suitable for new visitors and anyone interested in exploring the applet collection. It offers a sample set of mini-puzzles to explore but, more importantly, allows you to confirm your browser is set up run applets everywhere you might find them, both at clickmazes and beyond.
To run these applets you will need a desktop browser with an applet-runner plug-in (extension) installed. Two such plug-ins are currently available for Chrome and Edge browsers. See the FAQ for more guidance. Pages that contain applets are tagged with a java coffee-cup ☕. You must click on the applet-runner icon to launch the applet each time you visit or revisit a tagged page.

Stepover mazes
Step over the lines in colour order red-white-blue, red-white-blue... until you can exit at the top of the maze. The largest square will remind you what colour comes next.
Use the puzzle drop-list to select a puzzle.
Use restart or the space key to reset.
Click on the grid to move or use the cursor keys.
Pree u to undo one or more moves.
Cross the swamp from left to right using the yellow planks to form bridges between then tree-stumps. The reachable tree-stumps are highlighted in orange. You can pick up and reposition one plank at a time as long as you can reach it and as long as the new gap is the right size and clear of other planks.
Click on a plank to pick it up.
Click on a gap to put down a plank.
Click on Undo/Redo to replay previous moves.
Click on Restart to restart.
Plank puzzles
Use the black pusher (small square) to push the small red box inside the larger blue box. You can only push boxes from the inside. Black boxes may help or hinder.
Use the Puzzle drop-list to select a puzzle.
Use the Restart or hit space to reset the puzzle.
Use the cursor keys to move.
Use the u key to undo one or more moves.
Fold the blue shape to match the green target shapes. Imagine the shape is made of paper straws and string, if that helps.
Click on a corner of the blue shape to fold it.
Use the Puzzle drop-list to select a puzzle.
Use the Restart or hit space to reset
the puzzle.
Drag the wriggly worms around the maze until you can release the blue worm through the gap at the bottom. You can drag a worm by its head or tail and it does not matter which end exits first.
Use the puzzle drop-list to select a puzzle.
Use restart or the space key to reset.
Use the mouse to drag a wriggler by its head or tail.
concepts & puzzles - © Andrea Gilbert, Tom Jolly & Oskar van Deventer: 1988-2020
applets - © Andrea Gilbert & Graham Rogers: 2000-2008