Oskar's tunable maze
Imagine you are lost in a complex maze. Wouldn't it be nice to have a simplified overview to get an idea where you are going? Oskar van Deventer's Tunable Maze offers you just this possibility. This maze is based on a fractal called the Dragons Curve. You can change the level of the maze while you are solving it to experience the full effect of the fractal design.
The goal is to manouvre the red dot from the bottom row to the right-most column. The controls enable you to increase or reduce the difficulty level of the maze. The applet keeps track of the play level and you can peek at other levels without penalty. However if you make a move at a lower level the applet changes the play level to that level. You can only reset the play level by going all the way back to the start.
Manouvre the red dot from the bottom row to the right-most column
Use maze level drop-list to tune to a different level.
Use easier button to the tune the maze one level easier.
Use harder button to the tune the maze one level harder.
Use return to play level button to tune the maze back
to the play level.
Use reset to reset the puzzle at the current level.
Move the red dot by dragging it with the mouse or by using the cursor keys
On the right is a photo from Oskar showing a Fractal Maze corresponding with one of the levels of the Tunable Maze. It is a dexterity puzzle containing a small ball-bearing.
Electro Maze (1995) is an early puzzle design by Oskar based on the dragon curve.
For details of a much more recent, 3D printable, design by Oskar see this forum post (2020).

concept & design - © Oskar van Deventer 2000-04
tunable maze applet - © Oskar van Deventer 2004
hosted with permission from Oskar van Deventer